Incoming Va. Governor Opposes Truck-Only Tolls on I-81
Click here to write a Letter to the Editor. img src="" width=120 align=right>MANASSAS, Va. — Virginia Gov.-elect Timothy Kaine (D) told Transport Topics he is against truck-only toll lanes on Interstate 81 and does not support placing new tolls on existing roads, although he does support tolling new roads.
CARB to Require Proof Truck Engines Meet Emission Standards
Click here to write a Letter to the Editor. tarting Jan. 1, owners and operators of all diesel-powered heavy trucks operating in California will be required to show proof each vehicle’s engine meets federal emission standards for the model year in which the engine was manufactured, said an official with the California Air Resources Board.
Mexico’s Oil Company to Make Ultra-Low-Sulfur Diesel in '08
Click here to write a Letter to the Editor. exico will revamp and add to its refineries to produce the ultra-low-sulfur diesel fuel it will need by the end of 2008, and in the meantime will buy ULSD from U.S. sources for a handful of retrofitted trucks used in making cross-border deliveries, Mexican officials said.
Canada Issues HOS Rules; Allows Split Sleeper Use
Click here to write a Letter to the Editor. ransport Canada this week issued new truck driver work rules that include a provision on the use of sleeper berths that a U.S. trucking official said appeared to be more flexible than the controversial sleeper provision in the equivalent U.S. agency’s hours-of-service rules.
Tennessee to Delay Enforcing Right-Lane Restrictions
Click here to write a Letter to the Editor. new Tennessee law restricting heavy-duty trucks to the two right lanes on many interstates has taken effect, but cannot be enforced until signs are posted, a state official said.
Officials Say Canada Opposes Bridge Plan
Click here to write a Letter to the Editor. img src="" width=120 align=right>Canada’s Ministry of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness will not support a plan by the owner of the Ambassador Bridge to merge U.S. Customs and Border Protection inspection booths at the busiest border crossing for trucks at Detroit-Windsor, Ontario, an agency spokesman said.
TSA Seen Merging TWIC With Background Checks
Click here to write a Letter to the Editor. he former director of TSA’s hazmat threat assessment program said TSA’s decision to place the Hazmat Threat Assessment and Transportation Worker Identification Credential programs under the same director was a step toward combining them.
Officials Say Cargo-Security Should Emphasize Driver Training
Click here to write a Letter to the Editor. img src="" width=120 align=right>MIAMI — Teaching drivers how to lock and seal loads securely and use high-tech tracking systems are key steps to improving cargo security, trucking officials said here earlier this month during the Safety & Loss Prevention Management Council’s annual meeting.
Oregon to Use Facial Scan for CDL Licensing
Click here to write a Letter to the Editor. y the end of 2007, truck drivers in Oregon applying for or renewing a commercial driver license will have their facial features read by biometric scanners, as part of the state’s effort to fight identity theft, the Oregon Department of Motor Vehicles said.
Toll Proposal for Virginia Highways Draws Criticism
Click here to write a Letter to the Editor. proposal by a former Virginia governor that would require motorists who use the state’s interstate highways to pay tolls via open-road tolling at 38 locations has drawn criticism from the trucking industry and lawmakers.