ATA Board Says 65 Is Fast Enough

ORLANDO, Fla. – Trucks should go no faster than 65 mph, according to a resolution passed by the board of directors of American Trucking Associations.

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The association said it changed its four-year policy of a maximum 55 mph speed limit to reflect the increased speed limits set by many states.

Since Congress repealed the federal speed limit law in 1995, many states have increased their speed limits to as high as 75 mph. As of January, 18 states have 65 mph limits and 22 allow driving at 70 mph or higher.

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A study released by ATA’s Maintenance Council earlier this year found that 80% of the fleets that increased their average speed reported a decrease in tire life. A January 1999 study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety found that in 24 states that raised their speed limits in 1995 and 1996, motor vehicle deaths increased. Based on its 1997 studies, the safety group estimated a 15% increase in deaths on Interstates and freeways.

For the full story, see the Nov. 8 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.