ATA Safety Council Faces Loss of Some Members

HOUSTON — Members of the Safety Management Council of American Trucking Associations are facing some disturbing news: some of their colleagues are being forced to leave the council because their employers have decided not to become ATA members.

ATA has made enrolling in its organization a prerequisite for membership in its six affiliated groups, which includes SMC.

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Officers of the council, which has 589 motor carriers as members, gathered with the rank and file to discuss the issue. Joining them was ATA Chairman John Wren, who delivered a “clearing the air” speech Oct. 11, the opening of the three-day annual meeting of the council.

“Some good people are being asked to leave the council through no fault of their own,” Wren said. “I’m sorry it’s happening to you, but your employers have to make a tough business decision on whether to remain in ATA.

For the full story, see the Oct. 18 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.