Australian Trucking Industry Faces Scrutiny

Truckers Down Under are up in arms over what are described as “sweatshop” conditions in the Australian trucking industry.

Truckies, as they are called there, are vocalizing their complaints in public hearings, detailing conditions they say are abusive and encourage drug use to stay awake during the long hours demanded by their companies.

The hearings are focused on safety and work practices because of several widely publicized truck crashes and reports of drug abuse by drivers, according to the Canberra Times.

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The Motor Accidents Authority in New South Wales initiated a traveling show of hearings, much like those the Department of Transportation conducted on hours of service in this country. At every stop, panel members are taking testimony from a variety of sources, including unions, trucking companies, truckies, family members and activists.

For the full story, see the Aug. 21 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.