Bakeries Cool on Hours Proposal

Hours-of-service rules by the Department of Transportation, controversial in most quarters, could slam dunk doughnut sales, a bakery trade group claims.

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Consumers want their baked goods fresh, and stores are increasingly requiring seven-day-a-week deliveries to meet the demand, a baking industry representative said.

This service demand for fresh pastries and rolls has drivers working more nights to bring bakeries the raw material. Once out of the oven, delivery drivers head out on their routes in the wee morning hours to ensure the grocery shelves are stocked before the rush of shoppers descend on stores, said Robb MacKie, vice president of government relations for the American Bakers Association in Washington, D.C.

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However, such just-in-time morning deliveries and baking operations could flop under the proposed hours-of-service rules. Baked goods might be delivered in the afternoon or early evening — hours after the morning rush of customers — so drivers could sleep at night, MacKie said.

For the full story, see the May 15 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.