California Works on Compromise to Fit IRP Rules

California state officials and trucking lobbyists think they have fashioned a compromise over how to reform the state’s truck and trailer registration fee system in time for a Jan. 1 deadline.

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The International Registration Plan board voted in 1999 to force all of its members to adopt uniform rules. Six states are affected by the vote, but the changes California must make are the biggest.

California runs afoul of the decision because it forces carriers to pay separate fees on trailers and bases registration fees on unladen weight. The rest of the states have no separate trailer fees and use gross vehicle weight.

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What happens if states do not take action is a matter in question, but some think it will mean that non-conforming states such as California could be forced to allow out-of-state truckers to travel for free.

For the full story, see the Aug. 14 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.