Carriers Advised Not to Sign Form

The Arizona Motor Transport Association is advising carriers not to sign a form waiving the statute of limitations for auditing under the state’s bygone weight-distance tax.

A law gives the state until Oct. 1, 2000, to audit trucking companies for payments toward the weight-distance tax, which was replaced with a higher fuel taxes and registration fees in 1997.

However, the Revenue Audit Office in the Arizona Department of Transportation sent a letter out on April 1 asking carriers to allow the state to audit until July 1, 2001.

“They’ve asked people to waive their rights and give them more time,” said Terry Smalley, executive vice president of the Arizona Motor Transport Association. “But there’s no reason to do that because when we got the legislation doing away with the tax, they said they would only need three years and carriers would only have to keep their records for three years.”

For the full story, see the May 3 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.