Colorado Senator Buffs Up Old Skills At Driving School

While many of his colleagues were enjoying more relaxing vacations during the congressional recess, Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell spent a week in the cab of a big rig, working on docking, backing and parking.

United States Truck Driving School
United States Truck Driving School
Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell (right) receives his certificate of graduation and a handshake from Joe Campbell, director of the Midway, Colo., campus of United States Truck Driving School.
The Republican from Colorado is known for his love of motorcycles, but probably few people realize that Campbell once was a trucker, having piloted a tanker around California for six years in the 1950s. He put himself through college by driving nights and weekends.

The industry has changed drastically since then, so the senator decided to get back behind the wheel — as a student driver.

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Everybody has their own form of vacationing, and I wanted to do something educational,” Campbell said while taking a break from his course work in November at the United States Truck Driving School in Midway, Colo.

For the full story, see the Dec. 27 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.