Companies Caught in U.S.-Mexico Trucking Dispute

Tom Biery/Trans Pixs

As the dispute between the United States and Mexico over access for Mexican trucks on U.S. roads continues, Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood has assured U.S. exporters he is hopeful a deal can be reached soon, the Dallas Morning News reported.

“We have not yet floated any proposals with Mexico and look forward to consulting with members of Congress,” DOT said in a statement Thursday through the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, the paper reported Sunday.

The Teamsters union continues to oppose Mexican trucks getting free access to U.S. roads, citing safety and other concerns, the Morning News said.

Companies continue to be concerned about tariffs, including those set by Mexico in retaliation for the restricted access by a limited number of Mexican carriers, which was enacted by Congress last year.

Mexican officials hinted last week that they may set more tariffs if the U.S. does not rescind the restricted access, claiming it is a violation of the North American Free Trade Agreement.

(Click here for related story in this week’s print edition.)

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