The Company Web Site Can Be a Minefield of Liability

SAN FRANCISCO — The wide-ranging, free-form Internet with its limitless information vista is a business marvel — and an insurance liability, according to a transportation consultant.

“Consider what would happen if someone hacked into your Web site or gained access to your computer system. What could they do with this information?” asked Michael Lopeman, a vice president with Gallagher Transportation Services in Itasca, Ill.

Lopeman told his audience of trucking and financial officials that he did not know for sure what would happen, but he considered a lawsuit to be a distinct possibility.

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“At the very least, a company can incur exorbitant legal fees to prove its case,” he said in his presentation during the recent annual conference of the National Accounting and Finance Council, a unit of American Trucking Associations.

For the full story, see the July 24 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.