DHS Sets $844 Million in Security Grants for Ports, Infrastructure

The Department of Homeland Security said it is awarding more than $844 million in grants to protect U.S. ports and infrastructure.

DHS also said it was awarding a highway security grant to an Alexandria, Va., group, effectively ending American Trucking Associations’ four-year Highway Watch program. (Click here for related story.)

The funds will be used to prevent, protect against, respond to and recover from terrorist attacks, major disasters and other emergencies, the department said.

The awards, which represent a 29% increase from last year, include:

Port Security Grant Program — $388.6 million. These grants support efforts to enhance access control and credentialing, protect against explosive other non-conventional attacks and to conduct exercises for disaster-response scenarios.  The seven highest risk port areas will receive $220.9 million, up 26% from last year. Another 40 port areas that will receive a total of $138.1 million, and 16 port areas will be awarded $17.3 million.

Freight Rail Security Grant Program — $4.9 million. This program provides awards to railroad operators that transport security-sensitive materials through high-density population areas. This is the first year of funding for this program, which will prioritize the development of vulnerability assessments and security plans, and for security training of front-line railroad employees.

Other grants include those for transit security programs ($380.1 million) and passenger rail ($25 million).