Diesel’s Decline Slows, Falling 3.9¢ to $2.327 a Gallon

Gas Drops 4¢ to $1.613
Bruce Harmon/Trans Pixs

Diesel fuel’s national average price fell 3.9 cents to $2.327 a gallon, the Department of Energy reported Monday.

The downturn — the smallest in three months — left trucking’s main fuel $1.018 below the same week last year, DOE said.

Gasoline, meanwhile, fell 4 cents, to $1.613, leaving it $1.44 below the same week last year, DOE said following its weekly survey of filling stations.

Gas has fallen $2.501 since its $4.114 record set on July 7 and is at its lowest level in almost five years, since it was $1.595 on Jan. 19, 2004.

Diesel has fallen steadily since its peak $4.764 in mid-July, seeing only a 0.1-cent uptick on Sept. 29. Two weeks before that it fell 3.6 cents, to $4.023.

Diesel is now at its lowest point since June 20, 2005, when it averaged $2.313 a gallon, and has fallen almost $2.44 since the July 14 all-time record high.

Each week, DOE surveys about 350 diesel filling stations to compile a national snapshot average price.