DOT Secretary Foxx To Host ‘Virtual’ Town Hall Aug. 6

Andrew Harrar/Bloomberg News

Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx plans to address questions and concerns from the public during an online Webcast on Aug. 6.

DOT’s press office has indicated Foxx will host a “virtual” town hall to communicate with “business leaders, transportation advocates, state and local government officials, and everyday Americans who are concerned with the future of America's transportation infrastructure."

The event also will serve as a reminder of the Obama administration’s goal of adopting a multi-year transportation plan for the county.

“Although our transportation problems are easy to see, they're not always easy to understand. We have flashing signs that can warn you about traffic ahead, but those signs don't tell you why rush hour seems to get longer and longer or how you can change it,” Foxx wrote on his blog Aug. 4, adding, “This call will be just the start of our work to convince Congress to pass a long-term transportation solution.”

Earlier this year the administration proposed the Grow America Act, a four-year, $302 billion transportation plan. Congress has opted not to take up the administration’s plan, choosing instead to send the president on July 31 a bill that would shore up a cash-strapped Highway Trust Fund through May 2015. Obama is expected to sign the short-term funding extension into law as early as this week.

Information about the town hall is found at: For updates from the Town Hall, follow Eugene Mulero on twitter, @EugeneMulero.