EPA Offers Rebates for Off-Highway Engine Retrofits
The Environmental Protection Agency said it will spend $2 million on rebates to encourage owners of construction equipment to replace or retrofit older diesel engines.
EPA said the rebates “will reduce harmful pollution and improve air quality in local areas.” They will be offered as part of the Diesel Emission Reduction Act, or DERA, the agency said in a Nov. 20 statement.
Construction equipment engines are considered off-highway power plants. EPA also regulates on-highway truck engines for nitrogen oxide, particulate matter and carbon dioxide emissions.
Since 2008, DERA has awarded more than $500 million to retrofit or replace more than 50,000 vehicles.
Public and private construction-equipment owners in selected counties of the four-state target region of Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska are allowed to apply for rebates through Jan. 15, with awarding anticipated in February.