FMSCA Says Log Recorders 'Not Feasible' for Smaller Carriers

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has concluded that it is “not economically feasible” for small and medium-size carriers to install electronic hours-of-service recorders on trucks.

But the cost issue does not preclude the agency from requiring carriers to mount recording devices in truck cabs as part of a future hours-of-service rule, according to agency spokesman David Longo. FMCSA’s original proposal to revamp hours-of-service regulations would have required all regional and long-haul trucking operations to equip their trucks with onboard recorders.

Also, FMCSA raised its estimate of the time it takes drivers to fill out logbooks to 6 1/2 minutes from 2 minutes daily.

For the full story, see the Jan. 28 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.