Grade Crossing Safety Video Released

Operation Lifesaver, a movement dedicated to ending truck and car collisions with trains, will premier its safety video aimed at truck drivers May 17. “Your License or Your Life” emphasizes the dangers of stranding a truck at a rail crossing, and offers steps on how to extricate the vehicle.

Safety Video

dotRead more about the video and the America's Road Team members who star in it (on Truckline)

dotWatch the video online (reqires RealPlayer)

dot Rail grade crossing safety tips (on Truckline)

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Operation Lifesaver, which has been credited with reducing the number of fatalities and injuries in rail crossing and right-of-way accidents since its formation in 1972, will bestow awards at the same event in Washington’s Union Station. Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) and Bob Franks (R-N.J.) will receive the group’s Congressional Award. Federal Railroad Administrator Jolene Molitoris, a strong supporter of the organization, will be honored with OL’s President’s Award.

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At the reception, OL also will recognize the president of the International Chiefs of Police for the organization’s help in making the Grade Crossing Collision Investigation Course part of police academy curricula nationwide.