House Committee Approves Moving Protection Bill

Freight Groups Continue Calls for Measure’s Passage
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Legislation that aims to increase protections for people moving personal property was recently approved by a committee in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Introduced by Reps. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.) and Mike Ezell (R-Miss.), the Household Goods Shipping Consumer Protection Act would enhance programs at the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. Specifically, the bill seeks to help guarantee the safe transport of goods for individuals moving around the country. The Transportation and Infrastructure Committee approved it Sept. 18.

“Americans moving across state lines need to be able to have confidence in FMCSA-licensed companies transporting their physical belongings. I’m thankful for Rep. Ezell’s partnership in co-leading this bill with me and look forward to the bill’s progress in the Senate,” Norton said shortly after the legislation’s committee approval.

“I’m pleased that the Household Goods Shipping Consumer Protection Act passed the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee in a bipartisan manner,” Ezell added. “This solution would hold fraudulent actors in the transportation sector accountable while protecting individuals, trustworthy companies and their employees. With this legislation advancing in Congress, we are one step closer to closing these loopholes that ultimately undermine consumer trust and harm our nation’s supply chain.”

Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Sam Graves (R-Mo.) touted the bill’s approval during the panel’s consideration of nearly 30 bills. As he put it, “I’m proud of the hard work and bipartisan approach taken by the members of this committee, today and throughout the year, to move legislation that improves the programs we oversee and the nation’s infrastructure.”

The bill is meant to provide FMCSA with certain authority to proceed with civil penalties against unregistered shippers. It also would target entities that have been found to have held consumers’ goods hostage. Additionally, the agency would be authorized to establish certain requirements that would further ensure motor carriers, brokers and freight forwarders are operating legitimately. The measure’s floor consideration has yet to be scheduled for a vote. A Senate version has yet to be approved.

American Trucking Associations’ Moving and Storage Conference recently coordinated meetings with members of Congress to advocate for the bill’s passage and promote the industry. “Whether they are helping Americans move to their first house, a new job or a retirement community, moving and storage companies provide an essential service in every phase of life and are an integral part of our nation’s economy,” Dan Hilton, executive director of ATA’s Moving and Storage Conference, said Sept. 12.

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“As we strive to generate awareness and build momentum for movers’ priorities, there is simply no substitute for MSC members’ passion, authenticity and firsthand knowledge,” added ATA Senior Vice President of Legislative Affairs Henry Hanscom.

Other groups endorsing the bill are the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association, the National Association of Small Trucking Companies and Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance.

As part of FMCSA’s “Protect Your Move” national campaign, the agency provides resources designed to respond to moving fraud. “FMCSA’s regulations protect consumers who are moving to a different state and provide information on the rights and responsibilities of consumers and the movers and brokers they hire,” according to the agency. “Your primary responsibility is to select a reputable mover or broker, ensure that you understand the terms and conditions of the contract, and understand the options that are available to you if there is a problem.”