Morgan Renominated As STB Chair

With the clock ticking on her tenure, Surface Transportation Board Chairman Linda Morgan was nominated by President Clinton on Aug. 6 to a second term as head of the independent agency.

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Clinton also announced his intention to keep Morgan as chairman if she is confirmed by the Senate.

Morgan, whose term expired in December, is halfway through a 12-month holdover period, after which she must either be reappointed or step down.

Her confirmation may be more contentious than when she was first appointed to the Interstate Commerce Commission — the STB’s predecessor — in 1994. The board oversees economic regulation of the railroad industry and has authority over some aspects of trucking, such as rate bureaus, antitrust immunity, national motor freight classification and tariff filing.

While Morgan has the support of both Senate Commerce Committee Chairman John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Sen. Ernest Hollings (D-S.C.), some powerful Democrats oppose her return.

In a July 19 letter to the president, Rep. Jim Oberstar (D-Minn.) said Morgan has voted to abrogate collective bargaining agreements during railroad mergers, ignored the interests of rail shippers in decisions on mergers and competition, and has not provided direction to railroads on how to improve competition.

“Her service on the board has raised serious questions about her adherence to the values for which your administration stands,” wrote Oberstar, the senior Democrat on the House Transportation Committee.

For the full story, see the August 16 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.