Nafta Trade Value Rises 2.6% in 2013

Sam Hodgson/Bloomberg News

U.S. trade with Canada and Mexico increased by 2.6% last year over 2012, with exports growing more strongly than imports, the U.S. Bureau of Transportation Statistics reported March 20.

The total value of goods traded among the North American Free Trade Agreement partners was $1.14 trillion, up from $1.1 trillion in 2012, said BTS, a joint operation of the U.S. Commerce and Transportation departments.

Vehicles were the top commodity moved by truck between the United States and Canada, accounting for $66.1 billion in exports and imports last year.

For trade between the United States and Mexico, the top truck-borne commodities were electrical machinery, equipment and parts, worth about $85.1 billion.

Annual export value rose by 3.6% to $526.4 billion while imports increased by 1.8% to $612.5 billion, BTS said.

The value carried by each of the three surface modes — truck, rail and pipeline — increased year-over-year, while the value of airfreight moved dipped by 1%. Water transport declined by 2.4%.