Oil Finishes Week Over $86 a Barrel

Larry Smith/Trans Pixs

Oil fell slightly Friday but finished the trading week over $86 a barrel to the New York Mercantile Exchange, Bloomberg reported.

Crude futures fell 16 cents to finish at $86.20 a barrel, in line with its price in the past two weeks, though it had traded below $85 earlier this week.

The price had risen in the past few days because of concerns about political unrest in several Middle Eastern countries, Bloomberg reported.

Despite oil’s relatively lower price in the past two weeks — it closed at more than $92 on Jan. 31, the highest level since October 2008 — diesel and gasoline have both risen weekly in the past three months, with the exception of one pause in the gas price.

Trucking’s main fuel is now at a national average of more than $3.53 a gallon. The Department of Energy will release its weekly survey of diesel and gas prices Tuesday afternoon in Washington, following the Presidents’ Day holiday Monday.