Overnite Declines Federal Mediation

In an effort to avoid a Teamsters union strike against Overnite Transportation Co., the federal labor mediation board offered to help the two sides reach an agreement.

The Teamsters accepted the offer; Overnite declined.

Though the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service has been in touch with Teamsters locals since July, this is the first time the agency has contacted the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, the union’s national office, IBT officials said.

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Teamsters organizer David Cameron said the Sept. 17 offer of help from the FMCS is welcome, but that he does not hold out much hope for success.

"When the federal mediation board reaches out to us, we try to work with them," Cameron said. "But Overnite has to agree."

In a letter faxed Monday to FMCS Commissioner William P. McFadden in Towson, Md., Overnite negotiator John N. Raudabaugh wrote, "While we hope the Teamsters don’t carry out their threats of further job actions, we believe Overnite can continue to operate without serious disruption or impact on our country’s commerce."

Raudabaugh did not close the door on accepting the FMCS’s assistance at a later date.