Peek at New Ergonomics Standard Stirs Concerns

A draft of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s new ergonomics standard shows that the agency’s latest proposal is very similar to its 1995 plan, which industry studies estimated would cost trucking $6.5 billion.

OSHA officials warned that the proposal was leaked prematurely and might change significantly. A copy was obtained by Transport Topics.

Trucking is already concerned about the potential effects the sweeping standard could have.

“If adopted, this standard will impose billions of dollars of costs on the trucking industry — without guaranteeing the prevention of a single injury,” said Walter B. McCormick Jr., president of American Trucking Associations. “ATA will continue to fight any ergonomics rule that is not based on sound science.”

For the full story and details on what is contained in the proposal, see the Feb. 2 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.