Rand McNally Updates Map Software

Rand McNally has introduced additions and updates to its IntelliRoute and MileMaker software.

The additions will provide more flexibility and customization in freight rating and truck routing, more specific routing in Mexico and up-to-date U.S. and Canadian postal codes, weigh stations and toll costs, the company said Monday.

The IntelliRoute Dock2Dock software provides street-level routing in Mexico, the company said. Rand McNally worked with map data provider NAVTEG to incorporate this data.

Carriers can use company's IntelliRoute and MileMaker software to customize route for trailers 48 feet or less in length, the company said.

The new software also includes 918,000 updates to reflect changes to tolls, postal codes, ferries, weigh stations and more.

The updates are available to all current customers free of charge, Rand McNally said.