Rep. Ken Buck Seeks to Authorize Twin 33s Nationwide

Johm Sommers II for TT

Twin 33-foot trailers would be authorized nationwide under legislation Rep. Ken Buck (R-Colo.) introduced this month.

The bill would look to extend the length of trucks allowed on federal highways from twin 28-foot trailers to twin 33-foot trailers. Proponents of the longer combination trailers sought to have Congress adopt a similar provision in a fiscal 2016 funding bill. Congressional leaders ultimately passed the funding bill, which was signed into law in December, without the twin 33-foot language.

American Trucking Associations, and groups such as the Coalition for Efficient and Responsible Trucking, backed the effort to pave the way for mainstream use of twin 33-foot trailers. Ed Patru, a spokesman for the Coalition for Efficient and Responsible Trucking, said it was “unfortunate and disappointing” that Congress stripped the twin 33s provision from the funding bill.

Aside from the trailers, Buck’s legislation includes provisions taken out of consideration in the funding bill such as a move to defund an Environmental Protection Agency water program, aspects of the Obama administration’s immigration policy and prevent the Internal Revenue Service from relying on its funds to implement Obama’s signature health care law.

“With this bill, Congress will be reasserting its Article I power and reining in executive overreach. I encourage my colleagues to become co-sponsors,” Buck said, referring to Congress’ constitutional authority to appropriate funds. Buck is a member of the House Judiciary Committee.