SMC Takes on Cargo Security

American Trucking Associations’ Safety and Loss Prevention Management Council officially came into existence last week as the lobbying group continued its reorganization during the Safety Management Council meeting that was held Oct. 1-4 in St. Louis.

While safety, technology and harmony all meshed effortlessly as the theme of this year’s SMC gathering, perhaps the most important piece of business covered was the integration of claims and security issues that had been the responsibility of the now-defunct ATA Security and Loss Prevention Council.

That council was eliminated in February — when ATA reorganized and reduced its number of councils from seven to four — and has been absorbed by the Safety Management Council.

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The newly integrated council began its work on Oct. 5. Among its concerns will be safety, security, human resources, claims and loss prevention issues.

For the full story, see the Oct. 9 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.