STB Bill Promotes Rail Access

The Surface Transportation Board would have to do more to ensure competition between rail carriers, under legislation introduced by Rep. Jack Quinn (R-N.Y.).

His bill is the first STB reauthorization measure to be introduced in the House this year, and the rail competition provision is similar to a proposal offered in the Senate last spring by Sen. Byron Dorgan (D-N.D.) and three other senators.

Quinn said he wanted to address the concerns of shippers and economic development agencies in his Buffalo-N.Y. district. Electric utilities in Buffalo told the STB recently that poor service since Conrail was sold to Norfolk Southern and CSX has resulted in severe coal shortages. Quinn said shippers of automotive goods, chemicals and hazardous waste materials in his district also have complained of problems with service since the Conrail breakup.

The legislation was endorsed by the Transportation Intermediaries Association because it would clarify STB’s rail policy to ensure that small carload and intermodal shippers get access to rail systems when the volume of shipments is high.

“Our membership spends over $5 billion annually in moving freight and needs to have continued access to rail services to serve their customers, many who make up small business America,” TIA President, Robert A. Voltmann said.