TCA Sees Budget Loss

The Truckload Carriers Association ratified a budget that called for an operating loss of $805,895 for fiscal year 2000/2001.

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The association is projecting $1,397,100 in revenue, primarily from member dues and meetings income, against just under $2.2 million in expenses.

Bob Rothstein, TCA’s chief counsel, said TCA would have reported a profit if not for two items:

-an $800,000 investment in the Truckload Academy, and

-another $500,000 the truckload group has set aside to give to the American Trucking Associations’ to fight the Department of Transportation’s proposal to curb truckers’ hours; of that amount, half has been paid to ATA.

The $500,000 TCA has set aside to fight the hours-of-service proposal may be a onetime expense, Rothstein said. He also Rothstein said he was uncertain when and if TCA would sign over the additional $250,000.

For the full story, see our MC&E coverage.