TMC Concerns Over ATA Plan Seen Lessening

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Ken Johnson, whose term as chairman of The Maintenance Council ended last week, vowed to “preserve the mission” of TMC in the face of concerns that integration with American Trucking Associations could have a negative effect on the close-knit council.

Those concerns appear to have diminished somewhat, and many members seem to think the differences that exist over integration can be worked out.

Johnson’s introduction of the subject at the Fleet Operators Forum during TMC’s annual meeting from March 6 to 9 brought no discussion either for or against the policy. By contrast, ATA President Walter B. McCormick Jr. got a chilly reception when he outlined the plan to TMC members last April. Integration was the subject of heated discussion at subsequent meetings in Indian Wells, Calif., and Tampa, Fla.

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Some members have expressed concern that integration will affect the collegiality and cooperation that have been the hallmarks of TMC.

For the full story, see the Mar. 13 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.