Truck Driver Racks Up 1 Million Miles Since Lung Transplant

Gerald Taylor
Gerald Taylor
Gerald Taylor drives a 6,000-mile route in making deliveries for B&A Hyder Trucking Co., a family-owned operation that has a history of hiring truckers with “employability” problems.
It’s not remarkable that Gerald Taylor drives a big rig, hauling truckloads of office furniture from North Carolina to the West Coast and bringing back produce.

What makes him remarkable is that in November, the 60-year-old will have driven his 1 millionth mile since receiving a lung transplant.

Taylor’s love of the open road and an unusual commitment from a trucking company have kept him going. Nearly six years and more than 900,000 miles later, he’s still behind the wheel.

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In 1993, Taylor’s doctor told him he would have to choose between life on a respirator and receiving a lung transplant, which was then an experimental procedure.

For the full story, see the Nov. 22 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.