Union Representation Vote Called off at Con-way Freight Facility in Oakland

Con-way Inc.
Con-way Inc. said a union representation election at a Con-way Freight facility in Oakland, California, was called off, marking the latest defeat of labor organizing efforts at the less-than-truckload carrier.

The statement by Con-way said the election had been scheduled at a Freight maintenance facility.

Con-way’s statement said the union notified the National Labor Relations Board that the vote was being canceled. The IAMAW, which didn’t respond to requests for comment, lost an election at Con-way facility in the Chicago area earlier this year.

“Unions often withdraw petitions for elections when they don't believe they have enough votes to win,” Con-way’s statement said.

The unit of Con-way, ranked No. 4 on the Transport Topics Top 100 list of the largest for-hire carriers in the United States and Canada, also has been the target over the past year of Teamsters organizing efforts directed primarily at drivers. The company has prevailed in six contested Teamster elections, while that union has won three.

“I want to commend our employees on giving this important decision the thorough consideration it deserved, and ultimately agreeing with us that our best path forward is one where we continue to work together directly, without the interference of a third party," Con-way Freight President Joseph Dagnese said in a statement.