Vt. Votes Down Bills on Longer Trucks

Vermont legislators, attempting to open up more of the state’s roads to longer trucks, are stirring up debate over the issue but not making much headway.

Two separate proposals for opening up more of the state to big rigs of more than 48 feet in length were defeated, one very narrowly.

One bill would have opened up all of U.S. Route 4, which is only available to the longer trucks on certain portions. The other bill would have allowed 53-foot trailers on all roads throughout the state.

Trailers up to 53 feet long can now travel on about a dozen state highways as well as Interstates 89 and 91, but operators must have a state permit to do so.

More out-of-state trucking companies are using 53-foot trailers to haul goods. But that trend is at odds with Vermont's narrow, steep roads and the small villages through which many highways pass.

"We need to do something," said Patricia McDonald, commissioner of the state’s motor vehicles agency. "We need to address the issue. We don't really have an adequate east-west corridor."

For the full story, see the April 19 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.