Wisconsin Voters to Decide on Lockbox for State’s Transportation Fund

Maryland Truckers Support Similar Measure in Their State

Wisconsin voters will have the chance next year to approve an amendment to their state constitution that would prevent governors and legislators from diverting money in the state’s transportation fund to any other purpose.

The proposed amendment, approved last month by lawmakers, will be on the November 2014 ballot to protect from diversion all revenue generated by the state’s 32.9-cent diesel and gasoline tax and by vehicle registration and license fees.

“It’s all signed, sealed and delivered to be on the ballot,” said Tom Howells, president of the Wisconsin Motor Carriers Association. “We’re certainly supportive of it, and most people involved in the transportation community are,” Howells said.

Meanwhile, Maryland truckers are seeking a similar lockbox for their state’s transportation fund.

“We are supportive of a lockbox, preferably in the form of a constitutional amendment to restrict transfers out of the trust fund and we think that needs to be the first caveat before any revenue increase occurs,” said Louis Campion, president of the Maryland Motor Truck Association.

Several bills have been introduced calling for a lockbox, some for a constitutional amendment, others for a state statue, Campion said.