Corrosion News Updates
Task Forces Set Sights on Controlling Corrosion
An American Trucking Associations Technology & Maintenance Council task force called for action April 16 to develop best practices to address cab corrosion.
Fleets Implement Techniques to Fight Corrosion From Salts
Keeping roadways free of snow and ice is critical for safety, but the de-icing products states use — mainly chlorides — are notorious for causing truck corrosion, creating a significant risk to equipment.
State DOTs Find Alternative Solutions to Clearing Roads
States are working to decrease the amount of product needed to clear winter roads, implementing brine technology and adding corrosion inhibitors
Truck Makers, Suppliers Aim to Combat Road Salt Corrosion With Protective Coatings
When winter weather arrives, what also comes with it is the use of road salt, which exacerbates truck corrosion.
Be Proactive to Minimize Corrosion Effects, Experts Advise
NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Corrosion is unavoidable, but experts say minimize it, slow it down during a vehicle’s useful life and realize help is at hand.
Wheel Makers Use Coatings in Battle Against Corrosion
A tiny rock, de-icing material or salt and sand can start the process of turning a perfectly good wheel into a rust-covered embarrassment or, worse, a safety hazard. To prevent that from happening, motor carriers are using effective maintenance techniques, while manufacturers are producing more corrosion-resistant wheels.
Be Aware of Elements That Cause Corrosion, Experts Say
NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Fifty years ago, the only type of corrosion the trucking industry worried about was from road salt on the truck chassis. But today, no part of a truck is safe from corrosion, said those who run, build, maintain and wash trucks.