Downspeeding News Updates
Business, Equipment, Fuel
The Upside of Downspeeding
Industry experts and fleets tell us that engine downspeeding is a great way to save fuel at highway speeds and that it affords additional benefits.
John Baxter | Special to Transport Topics
April 26, 2019Government, Business, Technology, Equipment, Fuel
More Fleets Request Downsped Engines, Driven by Fuel Savings, GHG Regulations
More fleets are requesting downsped engines that run at about 1,100 rpm at highway speeds, significantly slower than previous generations of diesels.
May 30, 2018Technology, Business
Adoption of Downspeeding 'at a Tipping Point,' Report Says
Commercial vehicle powertrains that combine lower engine speed and faster rear-axle gear ratios — known as downspeeding — are proved to save fuel, especially in longhaul applications, and likely will be a key to helping equipment manufacturers meet new federally mandated fuel-efficiency standards, according to a report issued Oct. 28 by the North American Council for Freight Efficiency.
October 28, 2015