drug policy News Updates
Federal Officials Mull Adding Fentanyl to Drug Test Panel
A federal drug testing advisory board will begin discussions next month on possibly adding a testing panel for fentanyl to drug test drivers and other federal safety-sensitive employees for the potentially deadly drug.
FMCSA Drug Clearinghouse Records 46,000 Violations in First 10 Months
Nearly 46,000 driver drug-related violations have been recorded in the federal Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse during its first 10 months of operation.
Brace Yourself: The Drug & Alcohol Clearinghouse Brings New Challenges to Recruiting Drivers
A fundamental shift in how carriers recruit and qualify drivers will occur on January 6, 2020. Safety will improve as drug and/or alcohol violations will be easier to identify, and as drivers who are ineligible to operate commercial motor vehicles are promptly removed from their driving responsibilities as a result. However, this improvement will come with a cost as carriers adapt to new rules.
August 1, 2019