weigh stations News Updates
Infrastructure Funding: Can Automated Weigh Station Screening Be a Revenue Source?
WASHINGTON — Automated weigh station technology can generate money for state transportation and law enforcement agencies, according to Andrew Martin, a senior research scientist at the University of Kentucky’s Transportation Center.
Industry Clamors for Public Lands, Multiuse Weigh Stations for Truck Parking
Using public lands along highway rights of way and optimizing weigh stations were common suggestions from stakeholders during listening sessions about truck parking hosted by federal transportation officials.
Maine Troopers Keep State Weigh Stations Flowing Freely
They trundle down the off-ramp from Interstate 95 by the hundreds, a long parade of hissing air brakes and roaring turbocharged diesel engines.
Arkansas Joins Virtual Weigh Station Revolution
Arkansas is becoming the latest state to join the virtual weigh station revolution. The state’s Highway and Transportation Department announced April 5 that it has a contract with a local firm to install a weigh-in-motion scale under Route 64 near Alma.