53-Foot Trailer Enabling Bill Wins House Approval in Vermont

Trucks pulling 53-foot trailers would have nearly unfettered access to most of Vermont’s major roads under legislation approved by the state House of Representatives. The only restriction would be overall vehicle length.

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Currently, 53-foot trailers must have a permit to travel on any roads in the state, except Interstate highways. The bill would create a network of roads that tractor-trailer combinations up to 72 feet in length could use without permits.

Another provision of the bill would allow shippers and receivers off the road network to issue travel permits. This would enable trucks to service their facilities without getting approval from state regulators.

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Restrictions on truck length have been the subject of vigorous debates in Vermont for years. Businesses have pushed to open up more of the state to unrestricted access by longer trucks, but certain wealthy rural communities have fought against such a move.

For the full story, see the Apr. 3 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.