AAA Forecasts a Decrease in Christmas Holiday Travel

Decline Follows Trend seen throughout 2008

There will be a slight decline in the number of Americans traveling during the Christmas holiday period compared with last year, first such decline in six years, according to the motorists’ group AAA.

Nearly 63.9 million Americans will travel 50 miles or more from home during the holiday period, down 1.4 million travelers, or 2.1%, from last year’s 65.3 million, AAA said late Tuesday.

The group projected decreases in the number of travelers for all five of the major travel holidays this year: Memorial Day, the Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas.

More than 52.4 million Americans, or 82% of holiday travelers, will travel by automobile, down 1.2% from last year, while motorists can expect to see gasoline prices about $1.30 per gallon less than last year and 50 cents less than a month ago, AAA said.

“Without question, the economic downturn of 2008 eroded the discretionary income many Americans would have spent on travel and, for some, altered their travel plans throughout the year,” said AAA President Robert Darbelnet.

“However, those traveling this holiday season can take advantage of declining hotel rates and fuel prices more than a dollar per gallon less than a year ago,” he said in a statement.