Alabama Becomes 33rd State to Grant Truckers Liability Protection

A new law signed by Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley in May took effect immediately to protect truckers from having to choose between accepting loads and signing contracts that indemnify them.

“Some of the contracts were worse than others,” said Frank Filgo, president of the Alabama Trucking Association.

“For instance, regardless, even if the shipper was at sole fault or negligent, they were passing on those damages to the motor carriers,” Filgo said.

Alabama brings to 33 the number of states with anti-indemnification legislation. Minnesota and South Dakota also passed such protection for truckers this year.

Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton signed that state’s anti-indemnification law on April 9. That law, which became effective immediately, went a step further than anti-indemnification laws in other states.

Minnesota legislators applied the new law to existing as well as future contracts between shippers and truckers and also applied the law to contracts the two parties renew.

In South Dakota, Gov. Dennis Daugaard signed that state’s new anti-indemnification law in February.