Volvo Group News Updates
Lower Truck Sales, Higher Costs Hurt Volvo Q4 Profits, Margins
A decrease in truck sales in North America and Europe plus increased production costs in the U.S. dragged on Volvo Group AB profits in the fourth quarter of 2024, the company said Jan. 29.
Commercial Ops Debut Coming Fast for VNL Autonomous Truck
The start of commercial operations for factory-built autonomous Class 8 tractors by Volvo Autonomous Solutions and Aurora Innovation is due in a matter of days.
Westport Q3 Loss Narrows as Cespira JV Ramps Up
Westport Fuel Systems’ loss narrowed in the third quarter, due in part to the company’s decision to recognize its heavy-duty truck operations as an equity investment on its financial ledger.
Volvo Q2 Profits Jump on Price, Margin Increases
Volvo Group profits jumped year on year in the second quarter of 2024 on the back of truck price increases and improved margins for construction equipment plus marine and industrial engines.
Volvo, Cummins, ZF Win Electric Truck Manufacturing Grants
The Biden administration is set to award Volvo Group, Accelera by Cummins and ZF North America a combined $441 million in grants to upgrade manufacturing facilities.
Cellcentric Begins Pilot Hydrogen Fuel Cell Production in Germany
Cellcentric began pilot production of hydrogen fuel cells June 20 at its Esslingen plant in Germany, the joint venture between Daimler Truck and Volvo Group said.
Industry-Led ZEV Infrastructure Group Sees Membership Rise
LAS VEGAS — Powering America’s Commercial Transportation finalized its initial membership cohort in recent days with 24 founding members.
Volvo to Begin Customer Hydrogen ICE Truck Tests in 2026
Volvo Group plans to begin testing trucks with hydrogen-powered internal combustion engines with customers in 2026 and launch commercial production toward the end of the decade.
Volvo Group Price Increases Aid Q1 Profits
Profits at truck maker Volvo Group in the first quarter of 2024 received a boost from price increases, even as orders and deliveries declined as expected.
Volvo Group, Westport Fuel Systems Advance JV Plans
Volvo Group and Westport Fuel Systems have put the finishing touches on their joint venture and are moving forward with deployment of a high-pressure gas-injection fuel system..
March 12, 2024