Allied's Lauer is CIO of Year

KISSIMMEE, Fla. — It has been a good year for Doug Lauer.

The chief information officer for Allied Holdings had already been honored as Georgia’s top CIO, and now he has been named the information technology professional of the year by the Information Technology and Logistics Council and Transport Technology Today magazine.

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auer, who recently added the title of senior vice president for electronic business, was recognized for leading Allied’s advances in information technology. He helped the company absorb Ryder System’s carhauling business in 15 months, said Lawson Marshall, editor-in-chief at Transport Tech Today, who presented the award.

As president of the carhauler’s Link Information Systems subsidiary, Lauer developed a global information system and electronic commerce strategy. He was also involved in establishing the company’s mainframe computer systems, deciding the technologies in which to invest and developing strategies for wireless communications and mobile computing.

For the full story, see the May 29 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.