ATA Approves TMC Plan, Rejects TCA Dues Proposal

ARLINGTON, Va. — Leaders of American Trucking Associations rejected a proposal to allow the Truckload Carriers Association to pay a monthly affiliation fee rather than require its members to join the federation.

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Donald M. Bowman, TCA’s representative to ATA and president of D.M. Bowman Inc. in Williamsport, Md., cast the only vote in favor of the proposal.

ATA’s Executive Committee also voted unanimously June 22 to drop the requirement that trucking companies be ATA members in order for their employees to belong to The Maintenance Council.

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The vote on TCA came two days after that group released the results of its mail-in referendum on its proposal to pay ATA $10,000 a month and have its members pay a monthly fee of $1-a-truck, in lieu of having to join ATA and pay full dues.

For the full story, see the June 26 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.