ATA Cites Concern with LaHood’s HOS Letter

American Trucking Associations cited concern with Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood’s recent letter to Congress that DOT is drafting a new hours-of-service proposal based on the “most comprehensive and up-to-date data and analysis.”

“There is little or no comprehensive, up-to-date evidence, data or science supporting FMCSA’s proposal,” said the letter, from ATA President CEO Bill Graves and Chairman Dan England.

“FMCSA readily admitted it did not have sufficient data on which to base a driving time limit change, yet the agency argued for and stated it ‘currently favors’ reducing [drivers’ hours-of-service] limit,” the letter said.

ATA said LaHood’s wording was “a clever way of attempting to shift the burden of proof to the industry to justify the current drive-time limit.”

In a letter last week, LaHood rebutted a move by Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.) to keep current hours-of-service rules in place, urging her to drop her opposition to a revised rule.