ATA Directors Hold Winter Session

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), chairman of the Commerce Committee, and Occupational Safety and Health Administrator Charles Jeffress headline American Trucking Associations’ Board of Directors winter meeting in San Francisco this week.

The Feb. 13-16 event includes meetings of ATA’s policy committees and the boards of ATA’s Litigation Center and Foundation.

The main board may vote on a proposal to endorse uniform diesel emissions standards after consideration by ATA’s Environmental Affairs Committee.

The Highway and Regulatory policy committees will discuss railroad competitive access issues. The Highway Policy Committee will also hear updates on efforts to defeat toll proposals in Arkansas and changes in tolls on the Ohio Turnpike.

The Tax Policy Committee will discuss ATA’s participation in the congressional debate over how to spend an anticipated federal budget surplus and how to shape potential tax legislation.

ATA’s Safety & Engineering Committee will hear an update on the Federal Highway Administration’s pending rulemaking on hours of service and discuss the association’s 1999 safety agenda.