ATA Offers Study of Trucking Trends

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dotOrder a copy of American Trucking Trends from the ATA's Web site.

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How many U.S.-based trucking companies are there? What do they haul? What do drivers earn, and how profitable is the industry?

These questions and more are answered in the 1999 edition of American Trucking Trends from the Economics and Statistical Analysis Department of American Trucking Associations.

The 50-page publication contains information on the size and scope of the industry, freight volume, revenue and expenses, taxes and regulatory costs.

Copies are $35 for ATA members and $50 for nonmembers. The price includes shipping and handling. Orders can also be placed online at or by calling 800-ATA-LINE.

For more information, call Bob Costello in Alexandria, Va., at 703-838-1799.