ATA Seeks New Talks With Railroads

SAN FRANCISCO — American Trucking Associations wants to hold formal policy discussions on bigger, heavier trucks and on railroad competitive access with rail officials. But even as ATA reaches out to railroads, its directors formally voted last week “to participate fully” in a congressional debate over re-regulating at least portions of the railroad industry.

“Within a week, I intend to call AAR President Ed Hamberger and invite him and the executives of the nation’s railroads to begin a dialogue with executives of the nation’s trucking companies so we can begin to formulate sensible policies that will meet the nation’s transportation needs,” ATA President Walter B. McCormick Jr. said during a Feb. 17 interview.

“We are always willing to talk with our customers,” AAR spokesman Tom White said. However, he added, AAR continues to oppose increases in allowable truck sizes and weights.

For the full story, see the Feb. 22 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.