ATA’s Graves Urges House to Take Up Six-Year Highway Bill

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American Trucking Associations President Bill Graves on Oct. 23 urged the House to take up a six-year highway bill reported out of committee this week.

“While we’re anxious to see the funding portion of the bill, the road map laid out by this legislation is a good one for highway safety and efficiency,” Graves said. “We’re pleased the committee’s bill clamps down on the expansion of tolling and establishes a dedicated freight fund – two positive steps not just for trucking, but for consumers, shippers and the economy.”

“Now, we urge leaders in the House to take the next step and bring this long-term bill, with a funding component, to the floor as soon as possible,” Graves added.

On Oct. 22, the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee passed a highway bill that would set in motion reforms for the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s Compliance, Safety, Accountability program. It also would allow hair testing as part of the U.S. Department of Transportation’s drug screening program and establish a task force to look at ways drivers between the ages of 19½ and 21 could operate trucks across states that enter into an agreement.

Committee Chairman Bill Shuster (R-Pa.) told Transport Topics on Oct. 19 that while yet another short-term funding extension will be necessary before highway funding expires Oct. 29, he expected to have few issues to resolve in a House-Senate conference if the bill passes the House.