California Shippers Sound Off

CORONADO, Calif. — California truckers got an earful from some of their customers Jan. 14 during the opening session of the California Trucking Association’s annual management conference.

Make us happy and you’ll stay in business was the message sent by panelists discussing what shippers want from trucking.

Pleasing shippers is simple, said James DeClerck, a logistics manager for Eastman Kodak in Whittier, Calif. Truckers should provide dependable, cost-effective service, communicate with shippers and provide value-added services, he said during a strident presentation that had carriers grumbling.

Roark Janis, general manager of Circle International’s operations in Tijuana, Mexico, offered a similar, albeit milder message. He urged companies to think in terms of offering shippers solutions to transportation and logistics problems.

CTA members also heard from Los Angeles attorney Cynthia McClain-Hill, co-chairman of newly-inaugurated Gov. Gray Davis’ transition team. Ms. Mclain-Hill praised the association for its early endorsement of Mr. Davis last summer during his difficult primary campaign for the Democratic nomination. She also said the governor will pay close attention to trucking’s concerns during his tenure.

Association members were scheduled to hear from John Wren, chairman of the American Trucking Associations, as well as participate in panel discussions on truck safety and human relations during the remainder of the four-day conference, which ended Jan. 17.

For the full story, see the Jan. 25 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.