California Truckers Meet in Conference As Diesel Emissions Battles Heat Up

INDIAN WELLS, Calif. — In recent years, California truckers and environmentalists have tussled over diesel emissions in what could be the opening skirmishes of a coming national war over the health effects of truck exhaust.

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For the first time, a California city has indicated its intention to crack down on diesel emissions. Trucking company executives gathered for the California Trucking Association’s annual meeting here hope to find a way to quell the movement before it spreads.

Officials of Huntington Park, Calif., recently formed a task force to address the toxicity of diesel emissions.

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The action comes on the heels of a study released in November by Southern California air quality officials that ascribed 71% of the cancer risk caused by air pollution in the Los Angeles area to diesel smoke (11-15, p. 1). Those findings are disputed by CTA.

For the full story, see the Jan. 17 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.