Clyburn Gets STB Appointment

William Clyburn Jr. has received a one-year appointment to the Surface Transportation Board from President Clinton. The recess appointment means that Mr. Clyburn can serve until Dec. 31. 1999.

he White House also said it would submit Mr. Clyburn’s nomination for a full term on the STB when Congress returns later this month.

Mr. Clyburn fills the year-long vacancy left by the departure of J.J. Simmons, who left the board Dec. 31, 1997 after he was not renominated.

Mr. Clyburn was nominated to the STB in September, 1997. His nomination was placed on hold by the Senate until Vice Chairman Gus Owen was renominated in November 1997. Mr. Owen subsequently withdrew his nomination after an ethics complaint was lodged against him with the Department of Transportation’s Inspector General. His term expires Dec. 31.

Mr. Clyburn’s appointment ensures the STB will have two members going into 1999. "It is imperative that the STB have a quorum to decide many important issues in the immediate future."

For the full story, see the Jan. 4 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.